Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

the joke loses all impact if I explain that its a joke
but it probably also isn’t good to intentionally not clear up a misunderstanding

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how did you say this without a hint of irony

this is literally exactly what im talking about

Yeah, tbh I misread it as “vote” because I woke up 5 minutes ago lol

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me: “light is trying to push my buttons for some reason”

light: “ghana is a dumb stupid doodoohead who is pissing and shitting himself”

how has day 1 not ended but this game still became a meme


forum dot throneoflies dot com

idk if it’s a new record or if it’s just a normal game here tbh

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I’m pretty sure we aint like this

I think like every game on fol becomes a meme somehow

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it’s only a question of the average speed it takes to go from memen’t to meme


I’ve got a migraine so my activity will be spotty
Bad timing i knkw

I dont have a ton tocontribute
I have no strong wolf reads atm and im genuinely unsure about where the wolves are

In case I fall asleep or mymigraine gets worse:

Quick Legacy
re-read my first post

Tiers are unordered

Towncore (DO NOT KILL HERE*)





[everyon else]

First asterisk:
It’s earlygame, which means theres potential for my core to be riddled with wolves. I’m preeety damn confident in all my reads there. If theres a wolf in my core its maybe Wind. Do not kill here unless the PoE has proven to be green, and we have multiple mischops (this means 3ish)

Second asterisk:
I dont fuckin knpw. Gut and brain are fighting quite a bit, but read my recent posts.


chloe take some tylenol

clearly the migraines messed with your brain

he didnr comment on me unvoting or any of my posts ina while and im still unsure ifhes actually attempting to solve my alignment


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(anyways go to bed though, you should be asleep. Migraines arent fun and forum posting isn’t fun with a headache)

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get some rest/caffeine (if you can tolerate caffeine since it gets rid of migraines) and hope your migraine goes away!

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Chloe tbh your town core is way too big

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are you sure

Fuck no it isnt

Be safe though please headaches migraines sucks

nah homie

I used to have prescription meds for migraines and they were basically caffeine pills so yes
a can of coca-cola does the job if I catch it early enough, though

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