Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

I’m not a fan of vanilla setups either tbh.
I like enjoying looking at weird and wonderful roles


Shortnight wasn’t my most recent game but I think I had the largest takeaway from it out of the past 3 or 4 games I’ve played, just because I 100% incorrectly tunnelled town every single day and effectively pushed the wolf agenda without being a wolf lol. So I guess I learned that perseverance and WiM is good, tunnelling is not, changing reads is sometimes good and sometimes bad (changing from a lazy TR on Cents to an analytical SR was good, rescinding that read was bad, and going from SR to TR on Firekitten was terrible, not to mention going from TR to SR on Chloe and just… tunnelling Arete, Marshal and Sulit).

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Weird and wonderful roles are funny to me

Idk why because I honestly like playing mafia no matter what it is for the most part but when weird roles that sometimes make no sense are involved it makes it funnier/more entertaining

everyone give me some GTHs

see where we’re at

don’t care how fleshed out the reads are
who is town and who is scum?

I also admit to relying heavily on mechsolving and have been trying to work on the pure reading part more. Guess that means I need to rand town in another mountainous lol.

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speaking of reading, stares at post count

GTH Marl is town.
GTH Min is town.
GTH Spak is town.
GTH YBW is maf.
GTH Seth is maf.

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GTH min is town, Marl is town, most people are sitting at null for me and I have absolutely no clue what Seth is.


PKR gets the first level-0-Chloe-Point in that he was the first to respond to my question
So he at least isn’t afraid to get his takes out there image

@PokemonKidRyan how much of your seth gth scumread is because of the fact that seth is annoying you

and can you give me a word or two on each person and why you placed them how you did? maybe some quotes where they apply?

same for you @WindwardAway - for your min and marl reads

(finding content is hard in a stagnant thread aa)

Appel iso time

I liked this question and I say that it would’ve been better to do it when chat died or something like that, but apparently marl was enthusiastic or something

Again, I agree although I never even thought of that conclusion, because he did it when there was a handful of people in thread and it actually was? kinda distracting for a bit? In my opinion. I like how appel considered town motivation for it but I could agree that I don’t really see how it’s really towny? Not to be :joy_cat: hedge but I don’t see it as AI at all and I don’t particularly like when he started the event because to me it looks a little bit like a distraction from actual discussion.

I doubt this but it would really suck, I like how you’re talking about possibilities though.

This is actually a seriously good take that I actually agree with. I don’t think it’s bad to have top posters as town but town!marl having the event made it really easy for wolves to go “okay let’s talk about trees :joy_cat:” for a little bit. This makes me townread you a bit as i find myself having almost the same thought process as you

No, I like your weird takes :frowning: I agree with some of them :frowning:

I do have a ping now

appel town :smirk_cat:

Slight townread jokes aside though, I like appel asking questions while they were in thread + the fact I can mindmeld with what they’re saying makes me believe that they have a towny way of thinking


(gth means gut read right?)

GTH Chloe is town (decent enough opener)
GTH PKR is town (I cant scumread him)

everyone else i dont really care about
also this reads still mean literally nothing

Ye I think appel is >rand V
I don’t agree with all her takes but I think they come from a villa mindset
Liked that she noticed that thread seemed distracted from actual solving/earlygame shit and was pretty focused on Marl’s event - as wolves prooobably have a pretty easy time fitting in when a majority of people are talking about mech/memeing/off-topic stuff

Didn’t agree that Marl having the topposters as town is a bad look in itself, but can see how she gets there

gth Chloe appel town marl mafia

GTH = Gun To Head

if you HAD to force out reads, what would they be

what do you mean by ‘I cant scumread him’ for pkr?

i should stop posting so im not the n1


lategame is my shiiiit

I have to admit. A bit of it always will be, not just in this game, but in most.
But, it’s also genuine.

Marl - Mechanics. Transparency. Tone.
Marl’s relaxed and their posts feel natural. Their claim makes sense for a town role. I know that I need to be cautious there with going too far, that’s why it’s a fraction towards the read.

Min - Competence. Understanding. Cooperation. Lack of jumping the gun.
Min settled in, responded to you, responds to others happily. I don’t think that W!Min feels as natural as they do. Call it gut if you will I guess, but, yeah.

Spak - Friendly. Jokey.
I feel like someone who’s not done much on the forums at first but is known wouldn’t be as jokey and light toned as Spak feels when mafia. They’d want to show content fast.

Seth - Fake. Lack of effort.
Seth is partially gut as usual. But, I feel that they’re going with a fakeclaim because it doesn’t come off as genuine. Also, his 248 to 252 just felt like it was rushed and he was avoiding trying to do things.

YBW - Overly Friendly. Effort.
Overly friendly to Seth (who I think is buddy), not really doing much to help. I know it’s early on but it felt that they did your thing too (just) for some basic cred with low effort. Instead of trying to read those who might be more difficult.


i think my last was morpho

and what i learned is that im bad at forum mafia/life in general and that it is unhealthy to seek validation from forum games

anyways still not entirely over that so im not exactly enthused about this game

i’m probably gonna shut up and let other people talk

also i dont know how to read players without tunneling them

see aforementioned bad at mafia

yeah, I dislike anyone who reads people town based on those

dang it

I don’t know how to read appel too well

isn’t he normally like this?

sigh… y’all disappoint me

do you town read Chloe for anything else ( the opener is NAI in my opinion, but I think Chloe can be read on her opener)

Here now. Sorry for the delay, all.