Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Chloe when was ur last wolf game

Morphogenetic Threas B

Derps you do know Crich flipped last night yeah?

Do you have the link to that game



No im on mlbile

I copped them as w tbo

kay-o just making sure

Damn so am I

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Morphogenetic Thread B

Shortnight 2
Ice Cream Team Mafia on MU (I played d3)

Most recents

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Theres honestly potential that Shurian got bonked by an anticlaim kp?

The dude claimed a lot of shit

Iā€™ll probably be playing as if we have multiple KP to deal with every night

ā€¦ which means i should probably put in more effort today. weh

Shurian did soft a lot, but he was also pretty townread, wasnā€™t he? I donā€™t see why a claim vig would shoot him.

Anticlaim kp

As in
Have extra killpower if people claim certain stuff

ohh I see
but for that matter I think Shurian was towny enough that he mightā€™ve just gotten factional killed tbh

This is speculation and idk
Maybe they just have 2kp naturally

But i still think we should:

  1. Solve as much as we can today and play as if multiple people will die tonight. Aka donā€™t get complacent
  2. Stop claiming shit

I think Chloe is actually a wolf

I wish

Not confident nor done looking at people but

CRich is my scumbud

this took me like 2 hours to do because i kept getting distracted

so im gonna get tunneled then :flushed:

damn ok

ty seth, this couldve helped a ton

calm down marl, theres no use bullying him now


donā€™t worry GGhana, we donā€™t think youā€™re a bimbo
we think youā€™re a himbo

actually I was the first person to scumread gorta so really it was my wagon in a way

anyway iā€™ll just sheep people on the Appel vote, from what iā€™ve seen it sounds good to me :stuck_out_tongue:
I need to look at the playerlist again, might make a readlist? IDK I just feel lazy in this game and I wanna do something