Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

tell me about your gghana read

Why did I TR Min again?

Oh yes the Marlu interaction

I feel like they have been very ā€œagendaā€ and ā€œdiscreditingā€ I also havenā€™t really seen anything completely genuine from them.

I canā€™t tell if wolves have (fully or partially) given up, or if theyā€™re content with the state of the thread

things have been pretty goddamn dead for likeā€¦ 8h? maybe more?

or is it just the village being complacent because weā€™re all in the mindset that weā€™re a step ahead?
its weird

expand on this?
what interaction

can you point out some places
or is it just as a whole

Hey Iā€™d personally love it if you voted GGhana.
From what transpired yesterday and can transpired today I can probably get more information off the Wolf yeet.

I mean judging from my last couple games, Iā€™m more cautious of just jumping the gun and being like they are Lock Wolf but I do think they have a good chance of flipping Wolf here.

May I ask why you havenā€™t read the thread?

weā€™ll see yeah

iā€™d really appreciate more to go off of in terms of why you scumread him

theres potential for me to have put too much stock in ā€˜mindmeldsā€™ and ā€˜vibingā€™ with the guy
we had a very similar mindset for a large portion of d1

d2 is a little concerning? weh

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appelsiini Light, min 2/8
Nightingale Marluxion 1/8
ChopChop PokemonKidRyan 1/8
YoubutWorse GGhana 1/8
Not voting Appelsiini, Chloe, ChopChop, EliThePsycho, Nightingale, SirDerpsAlot, Spak, WindwardAway, YoubutWorse 9


Iā€™m being scumread for softing now nice

You know if I didnā€™t soft then literally nobody would believe my role because itā€™s incredibly obscure


It really isnā€™t ā€œhaha lawl min is only softing so he can have a really good fakeclaimā€

That is why you scumread me

Or at least all youā€™ve expressed on why you scumread me

its a part of it, yes
its not the full thing

and i dont heavily scumread you or anything
i just dont particularly townread you

Why not elaborate on why you scumread me in full then? Thereā€™s no reason to just tell me part of why you scumread me, that just sounds counterproductive to keep parts of your reads hidden because nobody actually knows all youā€™re thinking

Also this isnt true at all

Softing doesnt magically make a claim more believable

You shouldnā€™t need receipts to be believed

Iā€™ve found the way youā€™ve gone about it to be over-the-top and unnecessary
It accomplishes nothing

You canā€™t blame me when Iā€™m really not the best at softing honestly

Also In the case of my roll I feel it isnā€™t useless

I literally canā€™t elaborate on why but like with my role

I feel like if I hid what I was Iā€™d look a hell of a lot more suspicious actually claiming

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Well I can elaborate but

Itā€™s not good or town I mean