Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Who are we voting now? I’m not gonna be around for a few more hours but I’d like to know who I should be looking at when I get back.

Decide yourself smh

/vote spak

Okay, I’m back! Had work yesterday afternoon and obligations last night so I couldn’t be on. I’ll be reading up. Not comfy with like a quarter of the game dying last night, tho

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Oh, huh. Guess I’ll get to why this is happening as I’m reading :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not sure yet
where are you feelin’ windy?

Spak, appel, or Chloe

I don’t think he was doing it from an emotional perspective, I think he was doing it to try and look town. I still hold that Derps was a better info lynch than Light, since Light’s play was so bad early that both wolves and town would take a look and be like “huh, that’s sus”. With Derps, we at least woulda had the wagon analysis. I’m still more convinced of scum!Light than scum!Derps, tho.

If he didn’t give a self-preservation vote at that point and either of them flipped, I’d say it would reflect poorly on the one who’s still alive. I can see your argument, but trying to draw attention back to himself and off of Gorta would look super sus imo.


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appelsiini Light, min, PokemonKidRyan, GGhana 4/8
Spak WindwardAway, SDA 2/8
Light Chloe 1/8
Not voting Appelsiini, ChopChop, EliThePsycho, Nightingale, Spak, YoubutWorse 6

It’s already 5PM, weh

I took a look at the EoD wagons


Regardless of Light’s alignment, it makes Spak and GGhana look worse since they stayed on him the whole time. Wind also looks a bit worse, though that can’t be really judged properly because discourse shenanigans
Min looks a lot better
I’m not sure about SDA’s role in this tbh. I had a thought earlier but I’m too tired to remember it, weh
PKR also looks better

My personal PoE for today is



I wanna discuss mech stuff about Seth’s claim and sort out that PoE
And sort out Light
I might just take a nap before that

Quilava 4 lyfe


Why the sudden shift? I still think you’re town (I’ve been vibin with almost everything you laid down yesterday), but this just seems like a random outta-the-blue push.

I keep missing votes, I’m making the request that you ping both me and astand when you vote please.


Why? I thought it was majority lynch or nothing, Light didn’t seem to have the momentum, and I was trying to avoid a NL. I work 9AM-6PM (sometimes 7), so I’m only free nights and weekends. Took an early lunch to try and read up before deadline, but it looked like Gorta was the only option we could swing in 5 minutes w/ Marl saying he’d hammer them (and we got super lucky to hit scum there imo), and if it’s town!Light/scum!Gorta, I’d have no reason to swap my vote over there. It’d be legit stupid to pop in there as scum last minute for a bus; if I wanted credit for the wagon, I wouldn’t have said it was a bad idea lol

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Spak, what do you think about Gorta’s spew?

I’m sleepy but
Give me that thought process
What do you think about what’s happened so far

how did you know1!1!11!1!


Why Windward?

I mean I know I have trouble reading Windward/Chloe/Spak.
But like is that just so you can confirm your town read as town so you don’t go into paranoia?

nod nod

So what happened to the Night and YBW wagons?
Why is Light a wagon?