Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

I thoufhr you meant apprentice and I was so confused

I think I caught up? Sorry about my message asking whom to vote. I tried to send it and my network cut out so I assumed it never sent and I closed my phone :sweat_smile: didnā€™t mean to dip after that.

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But voting you would be a preflip

Is an arguably worse look than voting light

So idk why youre all ā€˜???ā€™ About him not voting you

Ya feel?

I know, but isnā€™t it kinda weird as hell to like throw shade towards someone like that and barely follow up on it

Youā€™re honestly starting to piss me off

Am I

Please take a break if itā€™s starting to get you mad.

This is just a game and shouldnā€™t be taken incredibly seriously to the point of getting very upset (I should listen to my own advice but)

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You keep throwing out reads including me as a wolf yet never explaining anything

Any time i defend anyone or mention any sense of a potential townread i become w/w with them

Youre planting seeds yet not doing any of the work yourself

Its wolfy
And really goddamn annoying

/vote Spak @astand @Wazza

Iv been saying I think you three are scum and it looks W/W to be

spakā€™s recent posts feel artificial as hell

also Chloe is not a wolf



also I just saw nightingales arsonist post

kill night btw

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Wasnā€™t that a joke?

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donā€™t have the energy to case them, and it might reveal too much so Iā€™m just gonna jump on spak who has also been scummy

I disagree

it obviously was

but I canā€™t say because of [REDACTED]

The fact that im the only one who sees derps doing this makes me mad too

This thread is an echo chamber and anyone who steps outside of the norm is painted as a wolf

Hes not explaining ANYTHING
And to me it reads as trying to appeal to paranoia by including quips here and there about how im a wolf
Like earlier when he told marl im howling
But never explained HOW

Im not even sold on SDA being a wolf
Because i think gorta spew / his claim are both relatively good looks for him
But hes just
Coasting by
And can say anything he wants ITT to push a narrative, because of this position

If hes a villager, the way hes refusing to explain anything, and painting me as a wolf any time i indicate any sense of a townread or defense on someone
Is really fucking annoying


I donā€™t think you will vote Night here.
Probably just saying this to try and gain town Credit because Night is your wolf buddy.

ugh forum mafia is annoying

I donā€™t feel like doing anything