Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

I had a friendly team

Would have been cool if Spak was LW that joined the chat D3.

this is why we canā€™t have nice things

Hey there Marl.
Bit unfortunate the quick hammers didnā€™t work.

Oh damn
U got me then

Who was Appel thinking of jailing?

Either you or Min^^

I figured Min would be the easiest person to get a claim out of, and we discussed it
Then you fullclaimed in your first 5 posts which was absolutely hilarious

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I need to start paying more attention to softs, because all of them just flew over my head every single time and I donā€™t even know how

I didnt even remember the game was bastard xD

Also because I immediately saw Appel from jailkeeperā€™s way of talking

And then I was damned high
I canā€™t make excuses here, I had a SR on u but it flew away when gorta flipped scum lol

If I was town I would have town cored Appel so I just stuck with it

Well maybe just TRā€™ed them but I felt like I should jump the gun.

Me singing a Poem while reading thread these past day phases:
I donā€™t know why
Town wants to die
But alright
Iā€™ll vote that other guy!


When I do that?

Hereā€™s the deal, if they expect me to have more WiM as a wolf Iā€™ll just have to fake inactivity/lower WiM to prove them wrong, but yeah I would rather not do that. Appel just said that she would push me a little bit and even tried to save me. For some reason everyone bought into her bs case on me when if people would actually read my ISO they would see thatā€™s not how I played this game

Uh, Iā€™ll have to find that tomorrow

ā€œimprove your activityā€ I have actually been doing that and such with a few games that I had high WiM as town

once again the quick hammers werenā€™t the problem
we were playing under the assumption that the flips would not decieve us (as is stated in the OP)

And if windward was town we had a mech lock win there

so the speed at which the votes came in mattered 0%

stop being salty town lost a bastard game where the rolecards literally led us to mechlock a wolf by design

you died n1, you didnā€™t even play the game really so if anyone has any right to be salty it isnā€™t you

ybw spak and night all have the right to be salty but you do not