Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

He was talking about shooting me and Derps before

stop gunfishinā€™

(if you already said youā€™re exempt iā€™m giving a NAI pingus)

i guess it would be NGI pingus? non-gun-indicative?

In a perfect world it would be between Seth/Light as of this moment

However, in a world with a viable counterwagon, Iā€™d shoot to resolve it

The catboy cosplayer

no i wouldnt

How dare you call me catboy! :crying_cat_face:
Iā€™m a fancy Lady Cat! :smirk_cat:

I was pinged

I would save my shot until later, but right now Iā€™d shoot Light/Seth
I need to catch uuuup


the shot has to be used tonight or the gun explodes and itā€™s carrier dies

Nice Chloe sheep!


i would if derps/light didnt exist

Iā€™d shoot the catgirl cosplayer thatā€™s getting on my nerves @Marluxion

GTG, cya next break



I was gonna say marl but now my answer is derps tbh

no chop is hard claiming gamer girl now

katze is probably an actual catgirl/catboy/catthey

im talking about the cosplayer thatā€™s being cringey in thread