Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

I have a feeling cloned is gonna be a similar slot to Eli’s in JoJo7

aka everything is gonna line up to make them look Townie but we kill them because they do fuck all

He did a wolfy popin earlier, I remember that much

Bleh I don’t wanna talk about mech stuff but I feel like it’s relevant

I’ll wait and sleep instead

I mean…
That’s kinda sorta cloned often. They’re a mini tree. Like a sapling

@Chloe if you get free time iso Shuriab

ye ik


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ayo whens EOD

cheese is a viable CW

i approve

(until i dont. but for now, i do)

Now that I think about it chloe and I have never randed the opposite alignment so maybe this game just continues that trend


Unless you count Shortnight



when you get a chance

re-read my iso

anyways uhhh
go to sleep
be a sleeplord

inclined to believe we have w/w wagons

i’m of the belief that shooting the CW is the most viable strategy, as well

@Marluxion you should rig the event tomorrow so its something i can get easily :^)

actually wait
the things you claim to give as a reward are pretty damn good for town so like
tailor your events to make it more likely that people you townread win

is that shitty

I exist
Seems to be the reason for a D1 wagon every time i play

how much longer do we have
I wanna go read someone

(This is a joke but I’m also kinda bitter even though im aware this is my fault)

im pretty null on cheese

so like
if hes villagery or wolfy or whatever ye, imma be swayed

but for now idc he can be a wagon

context matters

snaps neck
The question is, your neck… or mine?


don’t worry about it