Unannounced changes to the game

Today, I randomly learned that Physicians now keep their immunity to Bleeding/Nightshade when being elected King. These changes are neither mentioned in the ingame description nor documented in the ingame patchnotes. Apparantly, this was changed quite recently.

It seems detrimental to me that undocumented changes are being made to a game, which requires detailed knowledge in order to be able to deduce or spot potential liars.

It very much reminds me when healing messages were stealth-changed to only appear once, even if two or three people healed. Back then, I have seen it happen that this got two physicians and the target they healed, an inquisitor, executed for lying.

Please, keep patchnotes up-to-date or offer other ingame notifications when things change. Thanks.

This is a bug not a hidden feature


In the last patch I also tried to wolf a physician turned herbalist turned assassin turned MM, who was immune to it then. Also lost the game because of that and I am not sure if that interaction is intended.

There are always going to be undocumented changes. Whether it’s because of a glitch or simply because it slipped the developer’s mind.

Yes, it stinks to learn these things so mid match, but there isn’t much we can do. If you fnd something new out that wasn’t in the patch notes, make it known. Odds are, it’s potentially a glitch. And if it’s not, they can tell you and then the patch notes will be updated.

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