Unseen Herbalist buff

New day ability malpractice 1 use across any and all herbalists enhance the assassins nightshade the next time the assassin uses nightshade it will be uhealable

This is for 2 reasons

A herbalist is an ok convert that could be better

B allows unseen to make phys claims saying that it was unhealable nightshade from malpractice

This feels broken because it basically results in the death of any and all healer claims.

“Oh, you didn’t heal the guy who asked for poison? Execute.”
“Oh, that was actually Phys/Alch? The poison must have been unhealable, kill all Phys claims because there’s clearly an Herbalist.”

Not any and all it opens up new claims but will make bd more causious

The problem with that logic is that there’s no reason to keep a Phys claim alive if there’s a claim that Malpractice was used, because you know a converted Phys was to blame for it. So you kill the Phys claims, because clearly one of them is Unseen.

Yeah but then people have to realize that the herbalist would fake claim. It’s a good buff and the logic of BD will change eventually:

If there is a Herbalist to begin with, this ability tends to do very little, since one healer is a already down.


Wait no i object make defile affect trials or make that day ability and get rid of this

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Honestly I think people are underestimating defile when they say Herbalist is UP. Because making someone flip as MM is OP

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Unless it is converted after claiming

Which is pretty likely

The night immune class? :eyes:

Defile can create awesome situations, but it can also be completely useless and just out that there is a Herbalist. Herbalist needs a lot more than that he currently has in my opinion.

Well it worked