When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it
The game will work in phases
There will be a phase for the Werewolves who will wake up collectively and see eachother (they do not do their powers here unless stated otherwise)
After that there will be a phase for all roles where they do an action
I will post the possible actions for each role on a need to know basis to all players
To accuse someone DM “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]” to me.
When everyone is accusing someone or time runs up the person with the most votes is killed. In a tie both are killed. You may vote not to kill and if 5 people do so then no one is killed.
Once someone is killed the game will end
You cannot change your vote once you have DMed me.
###After The Night
You will be NOT told what happened to you
###To Join
To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want
###Upick Rules
Everyone will DM 2 roll names to be. One will be marked werewolf and one will be marked villager. I will pick one to use from every player for a total of 6 names. I will then make them all into a full role. This will take some time.
There will be a hard limit of 4 WW’s at once. That means that there will be no more (but possibly less) than 1 role that can join or be converted to the WW team.
There will be a Neutral role will be designed by me and is called the Mastermind.
If a WW dies then all WW’s lose and all Villager’s win. If ALL WW’s survive then all WW’s win and all Villager’s lose. If the Mastermind is killed then everyone but the Mastermind Win’s and the Mastermind loses. If the Mastermind survives then he wins, this does not negate anyone else’s win.
Shut In