V2.4(a) Patch Notes

who’s dylan

Xblade, the boss himself.


oh lol

Updates Since Beta

Bug Fixes

  • MVP box no longer blocks the chat scroller
  • The number of games to scale class selection difficulty was unintentionally determined by the amount of gold you had (so new players would show 500 games played) - this is now fixed.
  • May have finally fixed resolution dropdown weirdness in settings.

Quality of Life

  • King will now execute if he uses Decide Fate to execute.
  • King “Decide Fate” and “Royal Finger” abils will now have a shorter version of the selected sfx when you initially click (~1/2 length).
  • Name selection screen now highlights the names chosen in chat to more-easily see through name selection spam.
  • Name selection submit box is only submittable when you have a minimum of 3 chars to prevent “Choose another name” due to min length.
  • Name selection input box is now scaled down to what the ~actual max length is to give you a better visual of how many max characters you can input.
  • Greatly improved text performance when found in scrollers.
  • When you leave a game, the left chat/tips will no longer interlap while pending “leaving…”.
  • Fixed awkward loading tip formatting when sometimes a single word would take up an entire line in the middle.
  • Less “spammy” logs that repeat often.
  • The “gray name” on disconnection now extends to the end screen (so you know when someone left).


  • Traditional Chinese (中文) beta localization is now 80% complete!
  • Those with “Turkish” system display language should no longer see “LOCALIZATION_KEY_NAMES” instead of English.
  • Want to help localize the game? To start, Wikia is for initial reference - in the future, we’ll have dictionary keys for other languages once Chinese localization is complete. For now, try contributing to our Wikia @ https://tol.wikia.com ~
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Setting live in 4~6 hours ~


Damn you XBlade Provider! Not fixing letting Windows 7 use ToL!

Win7 fixed


Now live!!

See Discord #news for known bugs that will be hotfixed soon.