V2.4(a) Patch Notes

a) it was meant to be “from” not “by”, my bad, fixed.
b) How is it a reaper debuff?

We’ve mentioned multiple times the code we got was unreadable and we had to fix it making it more readable and scalable. We’re hoping we’ll be able to get a balance patch soon.

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He probably assumed that they are removed from the reaped players too - then if you scouted someone who was reaped you’d know he was reaped because you got a notification the scout was removed, even though the player seems alive.

But I’d assume that’s not the case and it happens on the “visible” death. Am I correct in that assumption? :slight_smile:


Sheriff and Mercenary receive a feedback on dead target and thus scout/shield wore off
Target is alive
There is a reaper


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Sorry was busy and forgot to answer. No, it only removes it when the player is visibly dead.

You are, indeed.

Maybe it’s just me but throwing this much shade this constantly at the previous programmer is just in bad taste.

It doesn’t really matter how true it is or what else has happened internally - if an outside observer can look and see you blaming a past dev (who was known for fast balance patches) for an essential lack over a much longer period of time, that’s always going to just look bad.

I know you guys know where I stand on this past programmer, and I know the shakeup has caused understandable delays. But it’s just poor for your image to keep pushing this angle, and I know you’re all above that.

Just my two cents.


Thanks for your advise. It will or will not be followed.
It’s just really frustating for a junior dev to have to deal with this mess of a code.

One thousand thousand :wink:

i dont think theyre notified until they actually die (?)

I didn’t even mention the previous dev in the post you replied to. The only reason we do mention it when we do, is because people keep blaming us (mostly Dylan) about the delay, bugs etc, when in fact that’s not quite true. I don’t wanna drag this, but it’s only mentioned when people keep yelling at us for someone else’s mistakes.

That said, if you want to continue this conversation, message me, because it’s both irrelevant to the patch notes and doesn’t have to be public.

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who’s dylan

Xblade, the boss himself.


oh lol

Updates Since Beta

Bug Fixes

  • MVP box no longer blocks the chat scroller
  • The number of games to scale class selection difficulty was unintentionally determined by the amount of gold you had (so new players would show 500 games played) - this is now fixed.
  • May have finally fixed resolution dropdown weirdness in settings.

Quality of Life

  • King will now execute if he uses Decide Fate to execute.
  • King “Decide Fate” and “Royal Finger” abils will now have a shorter version of the selected sfx when you initially click (~1/2 length).
  • Name selection screen now highlights the names chosen in chat to more-easily see through name selection spam.
  • Name selection submit box is only submittable when you have a minimum of 3 chars to prevent “Choose another name” due to min length.
  • Name selection input box is now scaled down to what the ~actual max length is to give you a better visual of how many max characters you can input.
  • Greatly improved text performance when found in scrollers.
  • When you leave a game, the left chat/tips will no longer interlap while pending “leaving…”.
  • Fixed awkward loading tip formatting when sometimes a single word would take up an entire line in the middle.
  • Less “spammy” logs that repeat often.
  • The “gray name” on disconnection now extends to the end screen (so you know when someone left).


  • Traditional Chinese (中文) beta localization is now 80% complete!
  • Those with “Turkish” system display language should no longer see “LOCALIZATION_KEY_NAMES” instead of English.
  • Want to help localize the game? To start, Wikia is for initial reference - in the future, we’ll have dictionary keys for other languages once Chinese localization is complete. For now, try contributing to our Wikia @ https://tol.wikia.com ~
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Setting live in 4~6 hours ~


Damn you XBlade Provider! Not fixing letting Windows 7 use ToL!

Win7 fixed


Now live!!

See Discord #news for known bugs that will be hotfixed soon.