Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

yeah see the thing is, the way i learn math is, i dont memorize anything, i dont sit down and get a formula in my head.
i learn about the thing and i figure it out, how it works, why it works, and why it’s shown in the way that it is, as much as i can about the intricacies about of how it all goes together,
and on the quizzes/tests, i dont know the formula, but i know the purpose of the thing, and i know roughly how it does it, so i just sorta figure it out.

so polynomial long division? its like normal long division, but a bit more generalized, you put the numerator on the right and the denominator on the left. what do you have to multiply the thing on the left by to get the first part of the thing on the left, and if you cant do that with at least 1, move one to the right and start from there.

synthetic division? right so you put the weird vertically mirrored version of the division thing, you put the divisor on the left and the dividend on the inside. then you remove the x’s but you keep the coefficients. does that mean you get rid of the constant term completely? sure, why not, sounds right. so i put the number on the left under the first one and then i divide them? subtract them? who knows!, lets subtract them. and for the last bit you just put it on the right. right? sure. and now you just add back in the x’s from right to left, starting with x^0 and increasing from there. wait, this doesnt look right for the problem at all, hmmm…


X^0 = 1 but it magically disappears

What magically disappears?

That never appears




I’m probably going to say something nonsensical again. My brain’s been screwing around with me and I don’t know how long I can deal with it


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It is better to say it out than to keep to yourself, it helps lining up thoughts

I make things awkward for everyone around me since it’s getting harder to physically speak to people thanks to my anxiety turned up to 200%

What makes you feel comfortable?

I’m not sure. Sketching, listening to calming tracks? Not only am I tense as a rock, but I’m also really tired, so I don’t know if I have the energy to sketch

Yesterday I felt like I would rip off my skin out from anxiety alone and a long, long hot bath while listening to my songs helped me getting away with the restlessness
Try to do it and get a nap? No good comes from forcing yourself to stay tense

I live in a dorm. I can’t take a bath and my body doesn’t do naps unless if I’m pretty sick. Physically, I’m okay, but mentally…

Are you staying in your dorm over winter break or going elsewhere?

I’m staying over at my apartment and thankfully there’s a bath there
Here is some good collection of piano track that I listened to if you want some calming tracks.

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Thanks, although I have a new problem. I want to go to sleep early, but there’s people outside talking at 11pm. I can’t sleep at this point and my body’s getting tensed up again. Will I ever fall asleep?.. I don’t know

Is ‘ask them to stop’ (or ‘ask your RA to ask them to stop,’ if that doesn’t work) a viable option? I know my dorm has quiet hours although admittedly I don’t remember when said hours are.

Headphones. With music.