Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

dont worry about it, they will understand that ur human and need sleep, if it comes across wrong in any way u can always apologize later. Right now ya need ya sleep

Like… I almost got a food delivery guy slipping on ice for ordering Mac and cheese

or just fucking say it because dwelling over it will only make things worse.

like dat said, nobody’s gonna be pissed at you for wanting to sleep

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If you were doing something that would make it hard for your roommate to sleep, would you want them to tell you?

I mean, I just don’t like being a bother to people. I’ve already caused enough trouble as it is

I simultaneously can absolutely understand that thought process and think that your right to sleep overrides their right to not have you ask them a question

this is why I’m glad I have a single

I miss having a single room, especially since I have sensitive hearing

noise hypersensitivity: it kind of sucks

Yep :’)

had a freind who had it. it was very yikes.

my advice to squid is to just go for it because asking them to kinda keep it down is the right thing to do and dwelling over it won’t help/

can confirm

I wish it’s easy to do, I really do

there’s not much ways to fuck up “hey can you keep it down” and if you do, oh well, feel bad about it after a good night’s sleep.

Is there anything we could do that would make it easier for you to talk to them?

I feel like I can always fuck something up

I have absolutely no idea

If you ask them to be quieter, what’s the best case scenario, worst case scenario, and most likely scenario?

my advice is just go for it, it will be awful but you will probably do just fine and if you don’t then you can do damage control later.

It’s not easy but you should do it and saying fuck it and just doing it is the best way to go.

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Well, the best case scenario is that they would get quiet enough for me to actually sleep properly for once. Worst case would be that they won’t stop talking or even go louder, causing me to stay up all fucking night and cry myself a fucking river. Most likely scenario is that they quiet down, but it won’t be enough because the walls are thin and you can’t exactly use telepathy

Im a big beleiver in just going for things and dealing with the potential consequences later.

and while that’s not suited to everyone or a good way to stay out of trouble, it’s probably the best thing to do.

It’s like riding a rollercoaster. Scary at first but there’s like a 1% chance you actually get hurt