Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I’m using my fan… Hopefully that’ll dampen the noise

I mean to do that they’d have to be pretty douchey. And most people aren’t that douchey.

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I’m the complete opposite! I can’t look people directly in the eye, I can’t be taken seriously

If you think eye contact would be helpful at getting them to actually listen you could maybe try looking at their foreheads?

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i mean you can play the role of “tired nerd” and just peek your head out the door and give a general “yall mind keeping it down” think.

avoiding eye contact just makes you look more tired which adds to the effect

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oh also this 100%

Hot take

Ear plugs and a sleep mask were the best investment I made for my dorm room


Alright, so buy a blender and some ear plugs. Got it

But yeah in the meantime I’m pretty sure the idea of “sleep for finals” should be universal enough that they’ll respect your request

You just need to make it and then stop looking at your phone lol


Finals are next week, not this week, but still… Studying is important. I’ll try to go back to sleep with this fan going on

hugs Squid iff wanted

Good news: I think they’re done studying
Bad news: I’m too hungry to sleep, so I’m eating Cheez-its


ok so it resolved itself

i take full credit

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I fucking made things awkward again… I might as well not go to class if my fucked up sense of social cues is making people uncomfortable

Squid it’s probably fine go to class. Dont worry about social cues, ur probably not making people as uncomfortable as you think u are. We all have a few hiccups in talking with others but dont let that be a crutch to not be productive. U got this :slight_smile:


Ignore people, do your own thing… it’s your life, not theirs.


I looked like I was about to cry the first time! If that isn’t uncomfortable, I don’t know what is

Well, I can’t ignore them if they’re my classmates

I had switched the school… 7 times I think? Classmates are classmates :woman_shrugging: some are shitty, some are accepting you for what you are. I never cared