Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

sulit weather complaints week 2

fuck wind

fuck cold wind

fuck cold wind while riding on your bike that is going the opposite direction of the cold wind resulting in a circle of misery



This is why I have a ski mask and goggles

laughs in jeans and short sleeve tees


b r u h

im not going to school today cuz i have allergies
and im not allowed to go to school

and im missing like 3 tests today

Please god tell me why my school is still in session despite living in fucking california

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Because it’s America


Better to be sick than lose education time :thinking:

When you’re paying this much for college?

Yes, honestly

I will be pissed if we go digital

I want My place to go digital

dont have to travel that long time

I’m half digital and it’s close to Spring Break for me so eh

Uni? :eyes:

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High school

Gotcha. I’m at a UC and we just went to fully online courses - and many were cancelled

Man talking about Digital

Have you ever wondered the stupidity that is not letting you copy entire paragraphs for study notes?

Typing it out is NOT the same as writing the words out.

Also, digitalization problems can be seen as debugging, the more old problems you fix, the more new problems will appear.

For example, if people become digitally advanced, unauthorised access to computers will become commonplace and people in that line of work will be swamped with work.

From my limited knowledge, it has become exceedingly easy to infiltrate systems and the fight to fight such threats become ever the more dangerous and expensive.

Funding wise, Cyber Analysts don’t have the funds to accurately gauge a threat level. Companies nowadays prioritise stability over keeping up to date, where maintaining the status quo is far more important than being able to respond to the cyber threats at large.

Why that? Because for every single upgrade they do, they price it at prices way above the norm. Come on, would you pay 300 dollars for a copy of Windows? Growing costs make it harder for entrepenreships to survive, making them the most heavily impacted by cyber threats.

This in turn will lead to a stagnant market, where it is dominated by the huge companies, who continue to-

Why and where the fuck am I

my dad’s heart is literally in such shit condition
he just got hospitalized
actually fucking kill me


he’s getting triple bypass surgery