Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

my brain hurts

that is all


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Eh, not really that old. My mom’s the same age and we’ve been talking about it lately and we don’t think she’s in much danger being that she’s very healthy for her age and it’s more of a mixture of age and general health condition that determines the risks for it. The reason why there’s so much panic over COVID-19 is because the disease is extremely contagious, but it’s fatality rate isn’t that worrisome as it can go from 1%-5% depending on how prepared you are for it.

Plus contagious people feel good enough to go places and spread it

That’s the thing, its so contagious because the symptoms are relatively mild for most people.


Everyone’s leaving and the border’s closing soon and I won’t be able to go home, not that I can really go home bc NY is much worse off than Waterloo rn. So now I’m probably staying here through fall term, my residence kicks me out in a month and I don’t know where I’m gonna go after that. Things are all just really wack rn.

Good luck

Sucks things are so complicated

I’m lucky in that I’m only like an hour from home

I probably won’t be able to go home and if I got home rn it would be ilegally but still possible
I live in another country that already closed borders but I know the right roads

I feel bummed for no reason at all… and I wish I didn’t because it doesn’t feel right. I can’t really be asked to do much of anything right now, and I just feel kind of sad.



You described my mood today jeez

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You guys are really cool, and although I’m obviously not in your shoes it is worth noting that the both of you are great people and deserve to feel happy :slight_smile:


I don’t know exactly how you feel but by the description I have already experienced very similar sensations. Is that frequent?

It’s probable recent events are contributing to how you’re feeling

Make sure to get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated

If you’ve been cooped up for too long go for a run or at least a walk

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This is my first post in this thread that’s actually about myself venting. This might seem pretty petty because I’m going to include humor in it, to lighten things. And ignore some of the depressing parts.

Damn that coronavirus. I’m pure put on house arrest thanks to that corona. Can’t leave the house.
I am CHOCOLATE deprived. I’ve ate my last asda smart price chocolate bar. This is ridiculous.

If only Nicola god damn shut the borders quicker. Bloody Nicola. I find her name funny. Nicola.
I can’t even get my gran a birthday present thanks to this. For god sake. I would’ve loved to see her happy as well.
At least our schools are shutting and we’re decently prepared.

Good luck ya’ll.


On that note I’ve made a slight change to my profile.

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They just cancelled my hockey today :(((

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God damn Corona. It stops the little things, but it teaches you to enjoy them.
Like asda smart price chocolate bars.

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yeah, i miss the nhl
i know u prob mean local stuff but im still sad

No I mean the hockey that I play myself

hence why I said local stuff