Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

i miss the NBA

i had a huge bet that the thunder were gonna be ranked above the mavs but now that the season’s over it’s called off and im mega pissed

Everyone’s missing all this stuff and the only main thing I’m worried about is running out of milk because it’s not at the store anymore


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At least you leave house when it’s not corona time

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Yeah all my favourite nightclubs are closing :frowning:

i’ve done nothing for nearly a week

why am i such a lazy bum

Oh no

What ever shall you do

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last night I randomly just got hit by a bunch of stuff.

First of all I had to deal with my friends nudes being leaked on her server.
Then the server of a game I used-to-dev for was destroyed by my friend.
Then I exposed the owner of that server and got kicked for it and now I’m no longer a dev for it.
Then I went sleep.


Tfw you’re autist, have the start of a sensory overload, and your own father begins screaming at you because he thinks you’re just lazy and stubborn


I’m also autistic but I haven’t ever had a sensory overload but I feel ya.

Here’s a little worry of mine that I’ll say here.

Well… my Aunt’s in a 14 day quarantine right now. Hoping her family’s safe.


oh god two projects to do and they’re due tomorrow fuck my life why did I spend like 8 hours on FE3H


I think I finally learned what a pulled back muscle feels like… And I didn’t realize how painful it would be :^)


sorta just hit me
i’m pretty much an adult now

when my 18th hits i will be moving out to live on my own (dependent on how covid is). Nobody to tell me what to do, nobody watching to make sure i eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner

it sorta scares me an i’m not ready for it chief


Are you required to move to being on your own or is it something you’re doing for other reasons

other reasons

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Pollen. Makes my eyes so fucking dry. It hurts



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god I hate pollen

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lol imagine having allergies

fr tho that kinda sucks but why are you outside :eyes: