Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

fixing my pool liner that broke



not with other people

how tf do you play soccer without other people

most good drills require at least 2

I literally die from pollen so good I dont have to go outside

yeet it at goal thing that bounces it back

Juggle it

Force my sister to play with me

i mean like you can kick the ball in your backyard or juggle it

i’ve been solo hacky-sacking even though it’s way better with more pplz

i have played street hockey in quarentine, just like any sport. U can play it with fam

why play sport when u can play computer

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Problem: not with my family

lol no

im an only child and i don’t think either of my parents have done physical activity in like 30 years

also have a flat tire so can’t even bike anywhere until my new tube gets in :frowning:


my dad maybe

but he’s also asleep right now

so i gotta solo it

i have this big metal rod that i use for “pole vaulting”

obv not great but it’s still fun. and better then doing nothing. which sucks.

i got three brothers at home so its a bit different

I can’t juggle a hacky sack for the life of my but I can juggle a soccer ball pretty much for as long as until my legs get tired

note to self: get tall metal pole

so two minutes?