Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

pretty much

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running :slight_smile:

Personally I was never that good at juggling but I was always really good at gaining and maintaining control of the ball in a game

Made me a very effective defender

I’m probably not as good now that I haven’t played seriously in years but I do still have a soft spot in my heart for the sport

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I’m decent at juggling but I’m really bad at defending/gaining control of the ball lol.

which of those are you more likely to need in a game lol

but that’s what practice is for :slight_smile:

but the flex

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I can’t really practice that by myself lol

we should talk about this in the cookie thread


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Help me… I want to fucking sleep, but no matter what I do, I can’t fucking sleep. It’s bound to a sleep schedule I can’t change… I can only fall asleep at 2 am and it’s 1 am after I’ve been taking melatonin… I hate this torture. This has been going on for a couple of days and I can’t take it anymore


Go to your doctor and tell him that tbh


there are medications a good deal stronger than melatonin that you can get via a psychiatrist. There are two that i’ve been taking for this reason for like 15 years (they basically always work for me so that i don’t wake up early feeling like shit, unlike melatonin). There’s also some sort of prescription sleep machine that i don’t know much about but that my uncle has been using for a while

if what you meant with that message is that melatonin is causing you to sleep for 23 hours, then im baffled and i can’t really be of much help here

No, melatonin doesn’t do shit for me anymore. Even if it relaxed my body, my mind won’t give me the bliss of sleep

yeah go see a psychiatrist then
i have chronic insomnia and melatonin has never done shit for me
i’ve been taking the same two prescriptions for ADHD for 15 years (and have probably had chronic insomnia for just as long) and their drowsiness side effect is so strong that i’m always able to sleep for 8-10 hours whenever i take them

They usually cause me to sleep for 12 hours instead when i take them the night after an all nighter.
But eh, def better than not being able to sleep at all

I want sleep right now… My mind went fuck it and made me feel even less tired

But my body… still feels like it’s hard to move

Calm down. Accept your situation, you are not well rn, but thats okay. Just relax for some hours, and try then to get yourself help.
