Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

So basically

I’ve been getting through Persona 5 Royal

And am very close to finishing the game

So I get ready to take on the final boss

Have my team all prepped and am very curious to finally get some answers

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The fight took me like an hour and a half but I finally emerged victorious

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The post-fight cutscenes start getting ready to deliver some closure to this 175-hour game

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And then my dad walks in looking for some socks and accidentally turns off the PS4 instead of turning on the light switch

So now I have to do that entire thing again


Oh god I’m so sorry

how does he turn off the ps4 instead of the light switch

also y r u in the dark it’s bad for ur eyes D:

i feel you tho, i hope you feel better soon!

remember that you’ll always have beaten it in your heart and that you’ve done far more demanding tasks than this

I mean I’m gonna go beat it again but A my time has been wasted and B I literally got cut off right before everything got resolved which is the worst possible time

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I love my parents to death don’t get me wrong and of course he apologized and I understand it’s not a huge deal

But also



…I’m pretty sure I need to be banned from this thread.

I have become lazy

What happened bae

Dog got bit by groundhog close to or on eye. And now hes going to the vet or. I’m so pissed


sending good vibes

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Update. No damage to eye. And hes getting a rabies shot in case


Heat bad.

Can we nerf The Sun?


nerf the cold while you’re at it too

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have you tried not going outside

I am inside.

Still entirely too hot.

is scenario:

trying to sleep and too hot

if so just don’t use blankets