Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)


Still too hot.

is it possible that problem is headache

No. The problem is that it’s been 30 degrees for a whole week.

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is there a basement or some kind of lower floor you have access to for the night perhaps?
those are usually significantly cooler

There is not.



Bless you Holy Sky Water!!!


how to be upsetti

  1. fall asleep
  2. wake up at 4 am cause you’re fucking PARCHED cause of the heat
  3. be unable to fal back asleep


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I saw kat vent


Ok, let’s say hypothetically that I was the impostor, which is already a logical fallacy since blue saw me swipe the card in admin, then there is no such way that I, red, could be the impostor. This is because I was in reactor at the time of the bodies discovery. I had already confirmed with my wife, who is a doctor, that I am not the impostor. Now pink, the idea, that I am the impostor is complete nonsense and actually creates the possibility that you yourself are the impostor, since you are obviously are making accusations without any evidence. So the only logical choice would be to vote pink due to the facts presented and if I am wrong, then I give you permission to vote me out next round.