Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I’m just a mess

Guess it depends how close you were with that family member or not vs the celebrity though. Personally Carrie Fisher’s death hurt me a lot more than when my great grandfather died a few years prior. Might’ve just been an age thing too but the fact that I didn’t really know my great grandfather but had seen Carrie in tons of movies and interviews and stuff definitely contributed to the difference.

i mean we weren’t the closest but i saw him multiple times a year at least

okay google how to not be bad at everything

Would you appreciate a hug?

I thought vaguism was banned

vagueposting i mean like if I were to post a meme with a skeleton in another thread and you were to say “i hate people who post memes with skeletons”

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I don’t think anyone hates spooky scary skeletons

They tingle down my spine though

Also please don’t self deprecate on this thread too /pats Jasmine

They often send shivers down my spine

Then I get really sad, but other then that they play trumpets(I want to snap every one of those Things in half)


Thank mr skeltal


Thank mr skeltar

starts screaming about trumpet being in picture

Thank mr skeltal

Ouch Plz help me dentist

As you wish my dear :deer:

Mole is a jerk :persevere:

He didn’t even talk me to when I needed him most :cry:

No u

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No u