Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Literally me irl

X to doubt

If I fall for you will I be a sick


Thank you firekitten, very cool!

NP, always here to help

Hows the weather in brazil



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O L M A O such a funny and original joke!

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By the way Luxy, incels are toxic masculinity because it implies women have to pay them for being literally what any person should be: nice
Or “nice”


If you aren’t female, you literally dont understand why the friendzone is so good for usage

Incels are not men, nor masculine

thats not what toxic masculinity means

toxic masculinity is shit like “men should suppress all their emotions because hahaa manliness”


For the first time in weeks is not hot as hell or cold as… a freezing hell
Its ok

Celeste do you high key hate me

there is no such thing as the friendzone

I can understand. It was originally used by chicks.

Can we just all agree incels are the scum of the earth, and don’t deserve the time of day? Lets move on

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the friendzone is a construct created because “you’re gonna put me in the friendzone?” is more eloquent than “so you don’t want to fuck me!?”