Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I don’t know, I never see him anymore. :eyes:

me neither, I never see him unless I look in a mirror.


Oh boy

Someone reported me to the psyche

Now i have to take intensive therapy instead of my normal one since I’m a “high-risk”

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Was this Mr. Poste or thats another story

this nickname lmao
yeah it was

Its to not say Mr Shithead
Now you are next to a lot of people that love you back!!

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let’s always use mr poste yes

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Speaking of him
I dont know if I already said this but I am really glad everything is ok now and that you can feel free again
Everyone involved in this always go back to the trap sometime soon after I try to get them away, and I imagine how hard it was for you to not do the same
If anything about this past case comes back to your mind I want you to know you can count with me again, always. Even if it isnt a thought of talking with him, even if its just a random crisis like I have all the time

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stop gamethrowing that’ll fix the issue :stuck_out_tongue:

job hunting suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

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I don’t see a problem

Psht, stands to reason that the first day of work where my bestie/crush is away on holiday is a horrid, stress-filled one

Ahh, tragic.

I have to wait 6 and a half hours to play the new smash game

I’m dead inside

I have to wait the time period of me getting a steady job and a paycheck that I find sensible enough to be able to splurge on a switch. (Should be 2 monthish)

Enjoy though


Tbh, same, I still haven’t found a job yet, and I’m upgrading

I’m honestly stressed about it, but I’m on vacation.

And I also don’t know what I want to do still

Fun thing for everybody

I also did the long trip thing, sooooo I guess we are stupid young adults together. Just enjoy the trip and worry about life when you come back. Finding a job while you’re on a trip is just inefficient.

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Yeah, I know that lul.

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It seems like I’m going back to my unlikeable serious persona

Even I can tell I’m reverting

Such a drag.

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Hope you are okay with your life OwO