Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I dont want to have to have political bs shoved down my throat and expect to go with it like a fucking sheep

We are all puppets.

None of us are free at all

it’s just that when you learn of this depressing truth is when you get fucked over the most.

So are us.

But we learn to endure it throughout the time.

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Even the leaders are puppets.

We are all just piles of flesh who are controlled by something else entirely.

hell. I guess we really are a miserable little pile of secrets.

I mean. I’m just sorta finished with school at this moment.

fucking my entire future up isnt an issue.

So did I, I kind of flunked my first year in HS.

But does that really means that you should give up?

I’ll be flipping burgers at mcdonalds anyway.

because the education system just treats all of us as their AI

well. yes. actually

when my most important year is fucked.

and the school has considered kicking me out due to my outbursts in classes.

I think I’ll do them their favor and just smoke weed on the streets instead of going to school

This year is the one which determines my removal from the school.

it’s a fucked up world out there.

it’s like 3 in the morning and I’m doing this shit.

Just vent your thought at here, okay?

We will be here with you.


aight then.

thanks insan

I’ve tried sleeping but these thoughts were just looming over my entire head.

I just dont really care anymore.

I could try and just keep on fucking up everything. I’ve tried this year to be mentally stable but nothing works. And be miserable for the rest of my life.

or I could not try at life and be less miserable for the rest of my life

if life generally hates you. best thing you can do to someone who hates you is ignore them.

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