Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Job Hunting
The most dangerous game


I hope it’s a game that has winners.

Game as in hunted animal not game as in fun


You can’t slip these past non-natives. :wink:

thank mr skeltal

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It just feels like no one cares

About what

Anything that I do is often ignored or not taken into consideration, like is just not worth attention and it makes me feel more alone sometimes, or not able to do something to be cheered up about
It’s been like 5 months since I gave up all and any comfort in my life to start working and no one seems any impressed when day after day it just kills me of stress and exhaustion
I try to maintain the most ample social circle possible to someone that introvert as I am, but it seems like if I am not the one running after it they don’t care enough to call me or ask me to do something, or I am the only one getting off my routine to do something with them when it is something I ask they just are not interested
It just feels like I have no importance whatsoever around anyones else life and it makes me feel heavy and tired again

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I am sorry if I don’t demonstrate it properly, but you are an extremely valuable friend for me and I want you to know that.


Well, what do you do for work?

CSC for tech support (in mac iirc)
gets up at 4 am and returns home at 4 pm

Technical Support for the Mighty Horrible Apple
That what Merc said but I get back 5PM actually

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I appreciate that, thanks. I just cannot help but feel like even though at the surface we’re the same, something is lacking in our relationship after that certain series of events, and there is only me to blame for
Considering I dont like at all when people crucify themselves it just feels like the truth
And I am so sorry for all of that I cannot even do things that would come out naturally before cause I feel like I am forcing too much, or being an ass, or invasive, or just something straight off wrong
I should’ve not dragged you into this but well
The very fact you are still with me is already comfortable, and I cannot say thanks enough times for that

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Don’t worry, you didn’t knew better at the time.

It is not like I was unaware
I can’t explain those days being honest, but uh

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You know what

I have SSSS.Gridman on my mind and this is topical


In short, even if your working days are long, and even if you sometimes feel like nobody cares, that isn’t true, and things will get better. :slight_smile:


God, I’m so salty.

Of course, there’s not that much reason to be salty. It’s an over reaction to say the least.

The point I’m trying to get across is that I need a short break.

Though, I should be fine soon. Only a day really.

Eh, thinking about it now this is kind of forced.


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Thanks man, I appreciate
It was more a throw off words, cause I can’t say it openly to said friends
But there is no other place I can vent without Merc being able to see so I decided to do it here cause I like the people
Some things are just better to be directly talked about instead of saying to all of them and oof nope I pass this one in particular for now

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