Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Two women actually. I feel like the underwear thing might make me more nervous :smile: I got the contract, but I’m worth a lot more than what the company’s policies allow me to get as starting salary, but more options is always good.

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how to deal when the natural temperature of shower water in summer is warmer than your warmer setting of the shower in winter

what’s the contract for? :thinking:

Software Developer. A job.

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Oh, interesting. I’ve done a lot of programming for a first-year college student, and I have enjoyed it, but I also know it is not what I want to do for a living at all.


Perpetual hangovers areeeee the worsttttt…

don’t drink ez


It was worth it. :thinking:

don’t drink ez


My obligation is to be at the average, which is 60/100. Anything I score after 60 is not my obligation and is instead my merit.
Now stop being dumbasses.

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No u

You called me Noob So I am never talking to you again

No u


No u


(Silent no u)

I Hate you now

heh. it was 70 yesterday and a high of 50 today :cold_face:
(real cold before that tho)

Have a break, have a kat kit.

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