Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Nah, this one has been pretty stable tbh

Orange password is still orangeandblack5 mission successful isn’t that right @orangeandblack5

Should have wrote that from his acc For more effect

What do you think I pinged orange for, so I can write a message faster by clicking the ping and responding to it

I am this because FE Three Houses comes out in 4 months


Was offline lel

Class :man_shrugging:

you ruined the joke


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now you’re a mole who lives in a hole



Being a nice guy to other people is pretty tiring…

And a girl fall for me because I am the only one being nice to her in the entire school. (She is obnoxious)

So…what should I do?

You are a Nice Guy™?

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Welp, yeah, I kind of am a nice guy.

In irl anyway .-.

Well if you are a nice guy, let her know how you feel gently?

Imo i will just say I like another gurl but I am too shy to make it happen etc

No it isn’t

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if being nice is “tiring” or “grating” or “a burden” you need to rethink yourself and shit


Yeah, probably.

i dont mean to seem hostile it’s just

you gotta catch these things before you start posting on r/incels on how you’re such a nice guy :^)


Ugh, Incels suck

r/incels is no longer a thing tho

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