Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Do something on the crush BF or crush in relation to crush’s BF relation with ex
No reason to be on a relationship if you honestly want to be related to someone else
If they decided to go steady and ignore the likeness then get another crush or wait for them to break

You have to deal with each relationship in separated ways, not like a web full of different intentions. Additionally, it’s high advised to not mess with other people relationships as well.

Considering that, the relation between Ex <> Crush, Ex <> BF and BF <> Crush should not be any of your concern for the sake of your mental health. Let them be.

About your Ex, just get away from them. No contact, no conversations, nothing. People like that should not keep messing with your life, their presence must be erased from your routine. What she thinks about BF or your crush should also not be of your concern, like stated above, for a lot of reasons. You’re better off without any shit regarding her stepping into your mind.

About your Crush. It is hard to know for certain if someone likes you if they never explicitly said that to you or someone else that told you. It can be obvious some times but… she is in a relationship. For all that matters right now, it means she cares about someone else in the romantic spectrum more than you, as much as it hurts. Even with “recent events” they did not break up, and people that are close to each other fight all the time so I would not count with that. Sadly life is not as simple as romantic movies so it can just mean they will continue their relationship as it is. Unless she explicitly states her feelings towards BF as not “love” anymore, don’t ever assume that.

About BF… if they have no impact in your life other than being with your crush, just let them be as well.


They have scarred me for life.

Same treatment as Ex then


That’s why we need reapo in the world

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Oh you filthy thing

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I am everywhere.

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Even in my heart that’s cheating

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No but seriously the best advice I could ever give is to see things in the simplest way possible. Don’t create webs, graphics, drawings or things like that. Just separate them, analyze them and then you alone will be able to find solutions, after all you know about your situation better than anyone else here, so you’re also your best advisor.


I follow the phillosophy of making yourself as unattractive as possible not to worry with romanticz but having a great Boi that will like you anyway

Is that me u talking about ma’am
That’s illegal

fuck 4 AM call times out of nowhere

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Like I could deal if, like rowing, it was gonna be a constant 5:00 start time every day

But this “oh btw come in at 4 tomorrow we have work to do” sucks

Isn’t that illegal if you aren’t being paid for extra hour or hourly

I’m not being paid at all lmao

Also we normally do 9 to 9 so it’s 5 hours early not 1

Do working laws even exist in America

If you work 12 hours in a row here the job is legally obligated to give you the next 36 hours of resting time
And the normal model is 44/w which is normally 8 hours per day and 4 extra hours, and there can’t be more than 2 extra hours in a single day



I’m not working a job, I’m on a project team

Makes sense
Damn solar cars

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Why is it 5 AM
Do you want to get sunrise