Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I read this as goh-run-teed because of spelling and it makes me lol everytime

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it’s the one word I can’t spell

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I saw it as

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tbh I feel you should probably calm down a little bit about the situation.

He told me he wanted to try something he hasn’t tried before but he seriously failed.
It doesn’t excuse how horribly written the character is but at least he can admit how awful his character was in execution.


Sure I may be a bit biased because he’s a close friend of mine.

But please don’t ever attack somebody because they’re playing a shit character.

The suicide plots did make many people feel uncomfortable, including myself.

They were too frequent and were forced.

Like if you have to write a suicide arc in character, at least write it with respect and write it well only ONCE. Or just don’t do it at all


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Well written rp characters are ones who are explained well enough so they can adapt well to any situation, no matter what happens.

The rper should also be familiar with the character’s boundaries and write the character so these boundaries aren’t too limiting

I wish I could do that

I just felt the need to step in because I dont want my game to go to shit because of one character.

Now I’ll fuck off as the forum dad for another month, I’ll talk here again if I have to.

…May I ask who was it?

Nobody here.

Just a close friend of mine

I’m concerned for him.

His dad apparently beats him and this shit all happened because he chose to fight back against his abusive brother

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If that’s what they come up with, they are probably going to something traumatic irl. Might want to cut them some slack. ^^

unsolicited advice giver flying away

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The character is slightly similar to him irl (like the poetry part). But I wouldn’t just disclose it as “mental health”, the character does not affect his mental health. It’s the real world that is.

Bad rp characters that you can’t interact with are still bad rp characters.

He even admitted he has ran out of ideas with this character.

  • the host of this rp
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Came down with fever and puked about 30 times over the course of today.

Of course I also was unable to sleep at all until 8AM.



remember the really old times

time to get the idiot with the minato pfp back to most posts

sounds horrible.

Probably a virosis, go to the hospital nevertheless