Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Knight is one of my favourite classes, so you got that right

I’m boarding quickly.

Talk to y’all in a day.


Don’t worry, you’ve survived playing League with me, you’ll be fine :^)

The odds of me giving you an aneurysm are higher than the plane actually going down


Imagine unironically naming yourself Marluxion :smirk:

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This meme brought to you by the Marlixion gang


The fact that most wolves on this site try to emptily go utr without considering that they actualy have to get people mislynched

you can almost rule out confirmation gambits unless the team involves Eevee or someone like them


Hey I pushed Firekitten that one time in infection

It ended up being WvW, but I digress

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What’s utr?

under the radar


Under The Radar


I can see where you could get that.

Most scum w/o level 3 players don’t push for ML in most cases. Town just ends up destroying themselves. Eh, something I have to work on.

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I used to think it was so bad that Sheriff/Pally were pretty much IC HC claims given their unique unconvertible nature because then you can’t push fakeclaim redcheck mislynches as easy as you can in TOL, the more I think about it the more I think it is simultaneously difficult and easy to push MLs going for mechanics based pushes.

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How so?

I powerwolf better than ici IMO

This one time I was EK in a hosted TOL round(so better than average players) I ended up in a WvW with someone I townread, but the CL decided to bus him anyway after I flipped and basically made him look towny af

Does anyone else get geyde and bluestorm mixed up?

no, not at all



Indeed, how?

Geyde and Nerbins here

To be fair they were complaining about the opposite problem lel