Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

vomiting is cool

all of my finals are next week.

so Math, Biology, Spanish, English, and Theology(lolcatholicschool).

safe to say it’ll be a stressful week

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Math and English are easy.

Biology and Spanish are not.

Theology is just useless (also in catholic school).

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Spanish is easy wtf

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I’m really curious what they have you do for your theology finals

like is it ‘list Aquinas’s 5 proofs of the existence of God’ or is it like ‘evaluate how Aquinas’s criteria for a just war apply to x situation’ or what

@mods this is a discussion of education and testing, not of religion

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Is it? I’m assuming it’s hard. Like German.

I don’t have Spanish classes.

yes its easy as hell

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german is harder

Spanish is one of the easiest languages for native English speakers to learn but how easy that is varies depending on the person

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not for me.

i skipped 2 grades in math(so freshman in honors alg 2) and im also in honors english and that class is like legendarily hard at my school.

Agree here.

and agree here.

i should be able to ace spanish if i can get the speaking part down because writing shit isn’t the worst but i have a really hard time discerning spoken words

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me but regardless of language

I’m not a native English speaker though :slight_smile:

it may be because I come from a Spanish background but my friends ace it all the time

it’s just all discussion about the old testament for the first semester.

Like all of the books, what they are about, and the historical context that they were written in. And throw in some catholic propoganda as “questions” on every test and you got our fina.


I think Marshal is, so how easy Spanish is for him should be dependent on how easy it is for native English speakers

I have mexican amigos but all that taught me was curse words and sex words which don’t really help in my spanish 1 class.


Most the spanish I know is from songs.

“Vamos a la playa”
“Dos/Mas cervezas por favor”

literally the best song in all of Spanish history

I’ve done theology in my finals and had some courses for it in University