Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Thats why i say the friendzone doesnt exist. You can be nice and just not be attractive in the eyes of someone else. If you were truely nice, that would be disappointing but OK.

What Nice Guys™ don’t get though is describing yourself as nice is the equivalent of a restaurant describing its menu as ‘won’t make you sick’ or a movie with the tagline ‘The actors are clearly visible’ ie: The bare minimum you should be.

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Incels =/= Toxic Masculinity

Incels are the result of a lack of masculinity

Incels are toxic for the most part.

Yeah they toxic, but not masculine at all




Depends how you define masculine. They are 100% male because women can’t be incel… Apparently.



No there are those who call themselves ‘femcels’

oh you sweet summer child

I agree what the fuck is happening in here


But masculine = confidence etc

Incels are the polar opposite of that

But incels reject that females can be incel

I can only imagine bad things happening.

Want some popcorn?

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Friendzones is just a thing they created in the media. It used to be an excuse for people to reject others.

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No thanks, on a diet

Fine then


… What?

You think people who hide in online chatrooms, shitting on women are confident?