Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Yarn is wool

Also I don’t have flatmates I live at home

Not where Marcus is from.

Ah so there was simple formula involving the volume. I never had this and couldn’t find it quickly online, but it seems good. I was sleeping though. :wink:

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Pretty sure that’s disabled

See now that your partner is blacklisted for gamethrowing this is kinda funny


More of a story than a chat iirc


I never thought I’d see the day I see a more confusing sentence than ‘Scum Vote Ashe’


Where are title games at Marl?

I want to be The Grim Reaper.


Oh shit I’ve been one-upped


I think he is drunk when writing that.

Have a yarn just means to talk with peeps ffs guys

Yes… but it was still nonsensical.

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To be fair, if you’re from round the Black Country like myself (trust me, it’s an actual area) you hear stranger phrases.


Thank God this thread exists

I am more pissed off right now than I think I have been in years

So I was informed that my time slot to register for classes would be today at 5:00

So I’ve been keeping an eye on my classes all day to make sure I can enroll immediately at 5:00

5:00 rolls around, I select my classes for next semester, and submit the form to officially enroll in them

Now, I have a Chem exam at 6:00