Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Oh yeah and remember to get at least eight hours of sleep every day and eat balanced meals

It sounds cliché as all hell but people seriously undervalue the importance of keeping your body in good condition. After all, you are only as strong as your weakest link - and if your body is tired out, your mind will be too.

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saying this to the guy who’s all nighting

anyway i should sleep.

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No “orange’s life advice” on that one, I’m afraid - after all, you can only control yourself.

Still, positivity begets positivity.

Just, like, leave your phone charging in another room. :wink:

remembers how I went up till 5:30 AM

We all stay up late every once in a while. But on average make sure to get at least eight or so hours of sleep, and in as consistent of a sleep schedule as you can get. It’s seriously impressive how much better you feel from day to day when you’re sleeping well and regularly.

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That’s my most prized secret weapon over my peers :stuck_out_tongue:

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The summer time messes up with me. It gets dark at 8 PM when it used to be at 6 PM @w@

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On that note, more venting

Why the hell do we still do daylight savings?

Sure, the extra hour every year is nice, and actually shows measurable health benefits for around the next week, but skipping the hour to go back shows measurable damage to health for three weeks. Not to mention it just screws with schedules and clocks.

It’s an antiquated wartime system that should be abolished.


I like having more daytime tho
I fear too much getting out of night so now I can take dinner

I hate waking up at piss-off o’clock to a frozen car and pure darkness in the winter

At least daylight savings gives me that brief period of respite

Trust me, as someone with an 8 to 4 job, you need all the daylight savings you can get


Daylight savings is a summer thing

The winter times would be unchanged if we just never went back

Right, I meant the other terminology then

So are you saying we should just be in the timezone state we’re in right now all year?

Yeah, that’s what getting rid of daylight savings would do


I dig it

Only side effect is the sun waking me up at 4AM in summer


You were all the happy emotions

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Just buy some eye shade, ez bz.

oh yes go ahead and take the only key of my house at morning only to tell me at 1 PM that you are too far home to lunch with me and that I could go by myself.
you made me wait 1 hour for nothing because I can’t even leave this apartment.
2 PM now and nothing should be open anyway
slow claps


You don’t live in America, do you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Places closing mid-afternoon is something that never happens here lol

Lunch places, I say
I’m a puritan and refuse to lunch at fast food