Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)


Nota A+ (equivalente a notas entre 99.9 - 97.0%)

Nota A (equivalente a notas entre 96.9 - 94.5%)

Nota A- (equivalente a notas entre 94.4 - 90.0%)

Nota B+ (equivalente a notas entre 89.9 - 87.0%)

Nota B (equivalente a notas entre 86.9 - 84.5%)

Nota B- (equivalente a notas entre 84.4 – 80.0%)

Nota C+ (equivalente a notas entre 79.9 - 77.0%)

Nota C (equivalente a notas entre 76.9 - 74.5%)

Nota C- (equivalente a notas entre 74.4 – 70.0%)

Nota D+ (equivalente a notas entre 69.9 - 67.0%)

Nota D (equivalente a notas entre 66.9 - 64.5%)

Nota D- (equivalente a notas entre 64.4 – 60.0%)

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Wow that’s actually less forgiving than our numbers around here (at most schools with a standard 4.0 scale)

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Although A+ is a thing and it’s not usually here

Even the classes where I had over 100% were still graded as an ‘A’.

I managed to take the exam in the professor’s office, so I’m not so worried anymore

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You owe your prof a christmas gift or something geez

At least a card lol

I do, but I don’t know what he would like

Studying for APUSH. :^)

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Card with a small gift card

Enough to buy a lunch or something but not enough for him/her to feel bad about it or for it to feel to you like bribery lol

Good luck

Never took that one, but did take World

How did you study for WHAP?

Good question

That was two years ago and I think I mostly just listened in class

I did end up downloading every video from Get A 5, but to be honest I really only used them at night to help me fall asleep faster by listening to them

The best part was History of The Entire World I Guess coming out the day before the exam and covering literally everything that was on it and more

How it is there, then?

So I realized after posting that that I technically only know the cutoff for an A to an A-, which is either 92.5% or 93% depending on whether or not your school rounds up.

I assume the cutoffs between letters are at every 10%, but as for where +'s are I honestly don’t know. I would make the assumption that others -'s are also at the 3% bar, but I don’t honestly know lol

Let me see if I can find a scale online

if you guys starting doing math i swear

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Nope no clue lol

Half of this forum are mathdoers Reaper

I had my LinAlg final exam this morning btw

So we can talk about that if you’d like Reaper