Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Or when we are teaching fractions as well
Most people keep using this forever
My chemistry teacher always told how to use this shortcut instead of chemical formulas because most people found it easier

It is cross-multiply


Whatever works I guess

May screw you with conversion factors later on but I guess if it works for you no reason not to use it

Plus I guess there’s no reason it can’t work for multi-stepconversions, it just seems like it’d be more difficult at that point.

In effect but not in writing, apparently.

Thanks for the insight, that’s pretty neat :slight_smile:

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Do you mean converting units or notation on base 10?

Converting units

Scientific notation doesn’t really convert anything

Some problems in upper-level chem and especially physics and engineering can require you to run through massive sets of multiple unit conversions

All units in exception to temperature are converted this way


That must get complicated when you’re doing like six or more steps

Wait how would you have 6 steps

Some of the problems I’ve faced have really come down to taking like five different measurements, all with different units, converting them to standard, cancelling out their units to find a pi parameter (or several), and then using that to find an answer in the correct units.

Seems like that may be a tad difficult with non-fraction notation.

Unfortunately the education (both public/private but privates are more effective on that) is very much foccused on entrance exams for state-founded unis (read: free unis) so the stuff that takes half a hour to solve is very likely not to be teached as it probably won’t be utilized in the entrance exams for the unis (which the most forgiving speed is the national one with 3 minutes for each question if I recall it right).

@reaper log (6) x = -2

why u do dis


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are you giving up of me >:(

@orangeandblack5 I went to my old notebooks to find it but it’s such noisy scribbled that probably nothing could be understood

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will do it

Analysis and production of text - C-
Biology - C
Phillosophy - C
Physics - C-
Geography - D
History - C
English - B+
Portuguese - C-
Literature - C-
Math - B-
Chemistry - D-
Sociology - C+

@orangeandblack5 everything is the same but History is now C instead of C-