Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

true communism/Marxism doesnt.


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Marxism was made to remove social rankings and governments.

but the reason why communism has governments is because the people who read that manifesto are too self centered to sacrifice their own gain

Saying people are puppets for working doesn’t make sense, it’s just overstating it tbh.

Everyone is a puppet to a schedule though.

That’s as much as saying everyone’s a puppet to food/water

It’s kinda necessary

just think of the average man.

he follows the same work routine monday to Friday

that’s why it is painful

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like I’m not mad because I’m lazy as ass.

it’s just I’m mad because one little year at school can fuck up my entire future.

Can’t be not puppets since we have no free will in first place

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mainly the fact is that if I fuck up next year.

I’ll be fucked for the rest of my life

if I dont get into the high class next year. this will heavily contribute.

I’ve had like 83 days away from school this year but still left with Bs and Cs.

I mean. If I dont like reality either way.

Killing myself might be the best option honestly.

there’s nothing left.

I’ve lost my own personal war.

If you still have a chance left to do better, do it, don’t give up, you still have next year, if you give up now, you’ve already torn up the contract to success



if I’m placed in that lower class that I’ll expect to be placed in.

my entire future WILL be fucked up. due to not learning anything at all
i can no longer go for the higher levels that I want to try and reach the year after as I would’ve missed many links that were needed.

I hate my existence.
I’ve lost an entire friend group due to my mental issues

That means it’s still goddamn possible, there’s a thing called transcending from one area to another

my body rn just feels like I’m on life support.

my heart is incredibly weak and reacts to even the most little of air movement. it’s the only part I can feel at this point.

and I’m just crying.

but being demoted and fucking up that part of your life means entire ruin

I cant feel happy.

I feel like I’m dead every single day of my life

n… mb bbjm5o332222e432w333e2333

and it’s extremely likely I’ll ruin that part of my life.

my mental issues from this year will NOT get better and itll just lead me to more of this.