Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I got 20 extra points which was what I needed to pass at endyear when I studied in the public schools because of my effort

Funny enough, my natural social awkwardness made me quiet :confused:

I’m basically just sometimes loud and other times I dont even want to talk.

Someone who studied with me last year told me at the middle at this one that they didn’t even know my voice
let’s hug

I used to talk a lot and I basically just stopped talking to anyone

I basically ignore anyone trying to talk to me unless I have to answer it tbh.

this may be due to more of the fact that adults are ignorant in seeing if someone is bullied or is trying to bully someone but doing it in a way that’s not easily explainable

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I can be very arrogant at times while other times I just cry inside.

At least people don’t try to talk to me now


this is the case with multiple of my friends.

I just don’t talk to anyone because I dislike everyone around me :^}
This year I made some frewns though

otherwise everyone else is fine.

also i do still have minor social anxiety.

Well, there’s always an opportunity to make new friends. It’s okay to have one or two, just don’t put so much pressure on yourself

shit cant go away forever.

I mean it was a 2nd friendgroup.

My thought process is

Why bother, it’s easier to do my thing then bother trying to talk to someone.


I don’t have any friends in college and look at me, I’m doing just fine… mostly

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Ew, not great advice

If you’re too quiet people assume there’s nothing wrong and don’t assist you with anything

If you feel there is something wrong and you want to improve your mental health, speak to someone. Don’t keep it shelled up, that’s the worst thing you can do.

It’s not good if you need mental help it’s good if you just don’t want to bother with people

yup. it seeps through

but that’s not the context FK was saying it in

Exactly my darling
I also hate receiving calls or even audios in messenger apps
Why send audios just type this fuck so I don’t have to stop everything I’m doing to pay attention at it