Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)


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For the first paragraph I thought it was for me and that my irl name ended up with a Poste talk

And why this? I don’t want to talk names and no one here knows this person
I needed to vent that out lol

Nah you at least kept Poste away

Desilude yourself to keep evil at bay 8)

I thank you so much for this btw lol I can’t stand literally everyone else coming back again and again


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listen here you little sh

Yeah so funny thing is
Now that my mind is clear I see the crisis I had where I was scared to push people away
Is exactly what did it

I am just noticing minor details or complete absence of something and this puts a hole at my chest
Why did this happen

I miss that litte details

I knew from the beginning, at every interaction, I was doing things wrong with everybody around me
And I knew it was going to change the way we interact
Not a single one stays the same after this, congratulations

I ultimately thanks that for happening. The discussions about it actually strengthened out bonds by relieving some old angusty.

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I had a breakdown at BF before calling you
Thanks for the clarification luv
Never disappoints me


I didnt get it.

Wasn’t a pun I just decided to bold the h

That was a move

A1 to C3, and then to E1

i have so much homework that i don’t feel like doing