[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Pigeon was town Silviu IS town and Ruri might be town

The wolves are deep and if we play according to PoE instead of by wolf hunting in the “Obvious towns” we are going to lose

This is a Marl game and Vulgard is a wolf


Regarding me votting Appel, remember?

no why were you trying to dodge my questions?

Oh c’mon, I was nervous as town in Pokemon 9’er even though that was like 10 months ago :joy:

Also nobody died besides Pigeon?

I wasn’t calling you nervous, i was saying the opposite
why are you suddenly being defensive?


What’s the world you’re seeing rn?

Cream died and was VT

Oh, am saying that you shouldn’t read me if you want to scumread me

Oh shoot

you shouldn’t check if I’m frozen or nervous as it happens as both alignments.

so how should we check to see if you’re a wolf?

No idea
at least one of the competent players is a wolf
probably all 3

okay I’m here now and I’m on PC but I don’t really want to read the thread.
what’s going on for the most part and why is Cream dead out of all people

My point of pointing out the good attributes there was so I acknowledge there’s the good in bad, please tell me that you at least acknowledge his thinking pattern changed.



I thought you’re supposed to know :zzz:

why are you playing mafia if you dont want to play mafia

I think I would’ve jumped on the pigeon wagon if I was mafia by now