[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I genuinely believe it’s super easy to solve that whole thing if you don’t talk whereas if you talk about it’s genuinely going to make the whole thread revolve agaisnt something that might not even mean anything, basically, if you get me, don’t talk, and if you don’t get what I’m saying, then don’t try and find out

^^ this is to the people who will re-read SOD and stuff don’t read too deep into it

I disagree that it’s =rand

Wolfy posting is wolfy posting, and I don’t think this wraps around to villagery. I’ve misread Vulgard the past ~3 games so I’m trying from a different angle this time and reading him as I’d read anyone I’m not familiar with, instead of trying to apply false meta to him

I think his opener was awkward and wolfy and I’d call anyone out for that
I don’t want him dead atp but I think he’s >rand wolf


No posting is ever truly wolfy, it’s like philosophy or something where it’s the eye of the beholder or something, easier to catch wolves with reactions to the world moreso than by the way they write stuff

I’m going by the “rand = as good as not having posted” and not the “rand = 75% villa” school of thought

No reason for wolf vulgard to post like that

I understand thinking it’s not V ai but like it doesn’t make it W ai

I’ve called multiple wolves out for their openers in the past so I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement

But to each their own

Think we’re just going to have to agree to disagree on this point, as we’ll just go in circles and it’ll become a long mafia theory discussion that contributes nothing of value

I’ll be back when more people post o/

Meh, I should’ve known this would be taken the wrong way. I never said I wouldn’t bother trying to make reads or anything, or that I would sheep and use that as an excuse. At least not seriously.

I still intend to play the game and stuff.

Chloe, Centuries, any thoughts on each other so far? I’m not interested in what you have to say about my slot.

doesn’t mean much
I’m sure you’ve been wrong in the past about wolfy openers
Moreover there’s “openers” 200 posts into thread and then there’s 2nd poster in the game

Too textbook Shrugze

Also this is a very back and forth read but it leads to an actual read but basically

This by itself is wolfy, kinda reads like a player that just gives up on interacting with someone so like I feel like if Chloe W Vulgard probably V trying to kinda save her own skin

I like this because it’s wise but it can be written by someone no matter the alignment

Also, pigeon popped in to say hi and dipped without even attempting to engage in our conversation.

Realistically, it’s probably NAI, though.

If Pigeon is wolf this post omegasucks ftr

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Hi. It’s 1 AM, and I have to work from 7.25 AM to 3 PM. I’m going to sleep now, and probably pop in during my breaks.
(Good thing Day Phase lasts 48 hours.)

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It goes both ways

Ok so didn’t want to go there ever but basically I think it’s pretty clear to people who’ve read a pigeon game but him lurking is definetely something he can pull off as a wolf so when I post this

I think it’s clearly a big “Having read Pigeon I dislike the slot but people will want to actually pull him away from that so I want to catch him doing that twice so I cna actually push the case”

but then Vulgard does this

And it’s like extremely convenient if they are W/W because it

Makes Vulgard give a “worse that it actually is” kind of read where he susses him but calls it NAI
Discredit any future “Pigeon’s a lurking wolf” kinda reads

Hey guys, I’m here. I’m Cream. I’m from NUF, a community of LHF Lurkers as Osie jokingly calls us. (Osie jokingly calls you guys 12 yr old spambots, half of whom are edgelords, half of whom are cats, with some overlap). I feel shy and kinda awkward since this is my first time playing here but uh yeah… I feel like a transfer student giving a self introduction on the first day of class lol :joy_cat: kill me now

Regarding Vulgard, I don’t think it’s extremely alignment indicative. Upon first read, it sounds kind of try hard, like a wolf trying to hard to be chill and normal. That vote on lili is… um weird and kinda out of nowhere. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think for a vote to count, you need to tag the hosts. So Vulgard bothering to bold the vote but not actually ping the hosts kinda feels like a wolf testing the waters (?). Dunno. I don’t think it’s much in the end, and part of me could just see the whole entrance coming from a villager who is just here to chill. GTH I would say wolf but overall, would prob need to see more.


/vote Vulgard


This is like, deep/far fetched in a villagery way so like this is my first actual TR no matter what alignment Vulgard is

I don’t have a solid read on conroy but I think his attempt to push the threadstate in a positive direction is a better look than not

I vibed with his Post 25 but he’s since walked it back and I’m not sure how to feel about that
His treatment of me is ~fine but not unfakeable

Tldr I have no strong feelings either way atm but if i had a gun to head i’d call him a villager
Need more

I have another microread on him but I plan on letting it simmer a bit

This is just a difference in playstyle/beliefs and I don’t consider your ideology that I disagree with to be wolfy, it’s just a difference in opinion

I truly wanted to stop here because I’m trying to not have 500 posts for once in my life and I could legit go on forever talking about theory and arguing

Another somewhat meld

I’ll take it

I’m not as strong on it as you are tho

good post

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Who is conroy?

Centuries is Conroy, sorry

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He’s attacking the reasoning by claiming it’s textbook, and immediately mentions the possibility of Chloe being wrong, even when she hasn’t even gone anywhere with this yet.

He’d just floated the idea of me being >rand W for my opening string of posts, but when Chloe starts agreeing with him, he turns it around on her.

At first I thought Centuries was TMIng me V here. Judging by his earlier posts about me, he doesn’t have a reason to go after Chloe, because Chloe’s pushing me in the game’s first hour. She’s pushing someone he’d suspected, if only a bit. Why push her in subtle retaliation?

But then I realized it might not be that at all, and a wolf going from “Vulgard is >rand W” to “Chloe’s W read on Vulgard is questionable” is more of a villagery thing to do progression-wise. Might as well help Chloe arouse early suspicion around my slot regardless of her alignment of you’re a w!Centuries, right? It’s helpful. And I think it’d fit Centuries’ wolf play pattern more.

So, basically, him meandering and stumbling from his early treatment of me toward how he’s treating Chloe’s arguments right now is villagery, I think. It’s a strange progression to have if you’re a wolf. To voice mild suspicion around my slot, and then move toward suspecting the next person suspicious of my slot… it’s like he was trying to jebait someone into suspecting me? And that’s… a weird thing to do if you’re a wolf kickstarting the game?

Admittedly, I’m not really considering the “wolf theater” option, but yeah.

This is very jumbled.


im spitballing im spitballing

Actually I like Vulgard’s sovling
