[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

/vote Vulgard


This is like, deep/far fetched in a villagery way so like this is my first actual TR no matter what alignment Vulgard is

I don’t have a solid read on conroy but I think his attempt to push the threadstate in a positive direction is a better look than not

I vibed with his Post 25 but he’s since walked it back and I’m not sure how to feel about that
His treatment of me is ~fine but not unfakeable

Tldr I have no strong feelings either way atm but if i had a gun to head i’d call him a villager
Need more

I have another microread on him but I plan on letting it simmer a bit

This is just a difference in playstyle/beliefs and I don’t consider your ideology that I disagree with to be wolfy, it’s just a difference in opinion

I truly wanted to stop here because I’m trying to not have 500 posts for once in my life and I could legit go on forever talking about theory and arguing

Another somewhat meld

I’ll take it

I’m not as strong on it as you are tho

good post

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Who is conroy?

Centuries is Conroy, sorry

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He’s attacking the reasoning by claiming it’s textbook, and immediately mentions the possibility of Chloe being wrong, even when she hasn’t even gone anywhere with this yet.

He’d just floated the idea of me being >rand W for my opening string of posts, but when Chloe starts agreeing with him, he turns it around on her.

At first I thought Centuries was TMIng me V here. Judging by his earlier posts about me, he doesn’t have a reason to go after Chloe, because Chloe’s pushing me in the game’s first hour. She’s pushing someone he’d suspected, if only a bit. Why push her in subtle retaliation?

But then I realized it might not be that at all, and a wolf going from “Vulgard is >rand W” to “Chloe’s W read on Vulgard is questionable” is more of a villagery thing to do progression-wise. Might as well help Chloe arouse early suspicion around my slot regardless of her alignment of you’re a w!Centuries, right? It’s helpful. And I think it’d fit Centuries’ wolf play pattern more.

So, basically, him meandering and stumbling from his early treatment of me toward how he’s treating Chloe’s arguments right now is villagery, I think. It’s a strange progression to have if you’re a wolf. To voice mild suspicion around my slot, and then move toward suspecting the next person suspicious of my slot… it’s like he was trying to jebait someone into suspecting me? And that’s… a weird thing to do if you’re a wolf kickstarting the game?

Admittedly, I’m not really considering the “wolf theater” option, but yeah.

This is very jumbled.


im spitballing im spitballing

Actually I like Vulgard’s sovling


Is there a reason you think he might be? I think he’s =rand right now, so 75% v.

Huge leap. I just called his opener =rand, because it is.

Not a horrible take.

ok let me explain


Voted Voters Count
LiL Vulgard 1/7
No-one Alice, Pigeon, Silviu, Chloe, Centuries, Zone, Ruri, Marl, Cream, LiL, Psyx, Appelsiini 12

Yeah, this is a super villagery way of making a read. It flows. It’s not a few intricately connected dots, but it makes sense as a general whole.

this saying LiL and not LiLi tilts me so much


I can’t pull myself away from the thread but I have literally nothing to talk about

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okay so my gameplan was to wait for another moment where pigeon just pops into thread with “TMI” on what’s going on because he’s a lurking wolf but you calling him NAI for doing that just ruins the whole thing especially since I made 2 posts before that where I literally prepare that whole thing and a wolf here is like 20x more likely to pick up onto it especially if W/W with pigeon but anyways

That’s a very townie train of thought

“awareness of TMI” is like very hard to have as a wolf

Townie back and forth

And like imo this is the “a wolf wouldn’t be this aware” part of the post that probably is never faked

VV Cream Vulgard
V Chloe
W Pigeon

don’t call pigeon V for his post even calling him =rand is an insult when I’ve seen him do the exact same thing literally in the last game ive read and he was wolf

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Literally only did this because she appeared as LiL in the votecount. Still does, probably to continue the joke.

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I believe that you planned on doing this
You left the crumbs for it as well

Think its kinda villagery

it was a whole baguette not crumbs

i’m blind then


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…How did you expect me to pick up that? To be fair, I’m making a mistake by even posting right now, but still.

Was it really this obvious?