[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Eat your greens

so yes but with justification

More or less
Before you got here I was kinda hard stuck and just resigned to voting Wazza


i’ll read up more after i get something to eat

Uhhh which game

I'm so slow at this, it's frustrating

I don’t have a lot of patience for those who treat communication as a one-way street. I’m here now, and catching up <3

What makes them debatable? The nightkill is heavily indicates that Chloe is V from what I gathered, unless wolves aren’t interested in cophunting. There’s technically a chance that they just wanted to get a false clear on someone, but given how demotivated Chloe was during Day 1, I don’t think wolves would go to such lengths. Pigeon flipping V… I don’t know if that makes her look better or not, I still her actions Day 1 were mostly NAI, weh. It’s a matter of “was the brief comment from Pigeon enough to warrant a wallpost to hard-defend him” which I still don’t entirely agree with, but I’d also feel bad if I’m just pushing someone who correctly identified and defended LHF - for a while, at least.

@Marluxion this is one of those lame takes. Lying about non-game-related things would be weird, and I don’t think you really believe that they’d go radio silent for 24+ hours voluntarily, unless wolves have been in an excellent position right from the start (and thus wouldn’t need Ruri’s contribution to the game)

I don’t treat Marl as a polarized player anymore, for better or worse. He knows how to be a decent wolf, and he’s good at powerwolfing and taking refuge in audacity (see: RWBY FM) so I wouldn’t clear him for his tone alone

He also doesn’t like to be read by meta when it’s inconvenient for him, but that’s beyond the point

Are hedgy reads normal for V!Ruri
This is meh

But would it make sense for T!ZoneWazza to push Lili if he thought she was obvtown? I understand the logic behind this, but I think you’re using your knowledge of their meta to predict their actions rather than analyzing them. Something something jumping to conclusions? There’s probably a better term for this that I’m not remembering right now

What’s your overall read on Zone/Wazza right now? Here you’re just insinuating things, but do you actually believe in this take?

I like the boldness, but I also caught a glimpse of a post Cent made and if that man isn’t a threadspewed villager, I don’t know who is
The whole thread has him as GTH W and that should ring some alarm bells if anything. The way this is going, I’d take a good look at anyone who starts pushing Cent

Can you quote some of the posts where she’s been in her scumrange? If she’s in her scum meta, are you pushing her right now? If not, then… :eyes:

(I guess that answers it)

I’m audibly groaning at people’s takes
No offense, of course! But just, god. I disagree with so many of them.

Do you think they’ve had any interactions that look like W/W?

As bad as I feel for Psyx, I like the energy they’re radiating here
Feels like V/V

I probably shouldn’t townread this, but no one can stop me so I’m going to do it anyway

What do you consider to be narrow? She entered the game somewhat late, so assessing multiple slots is to be expected since she’d have to make up for the first half of D1

Why LiLi?
I don’t like either of these, to be honest. These reads feel very

Do you think the consensus PoE as of now is correct? And could you give me your opinion on the game state as of now?

Once again, I disagree with this take


Are you going to acknowledge the less-LHF-y people who are PoE’d?

This is exactly what I talked about with Alice yesterday, as she was insistent on playing by PoE along with Chloe, and that’s the main reason I wanted to put pressure on those two. Who’s the scumteam, in your opinion?

I don’t entirely understand this, but Silviu jumping to his own defense when he wasn’t even being pressured is very… wowee

I love that you take the time and effort to do this, here’s some hugs. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

@Mistyx hi Mist, welcome to the game!

I’m probably going to catch up by myself later, but that’s enough for now. I don’t know if things have changed drastically since I last left and I would appreciate if someone summarized it for me, but I’ll be here and I want to talk to people

Yeah, she also does this “it could be playstyle” takes as V.

I hard-pushed her over it in that Thirteen Decades, tbfh.

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The reason why I was trying to push you it was because at the moment I thought it would help me read better the thread state if everybody would focus on me for some reasoning trying to vote ya, but then I gave up because it wasn’t worth it and I didn’t thought this through. Judge me later :joy:

I was just trying to give an advice :cry:

Alright. Does she have any strong towntells/scumtells?

Yo Appel I’m right here, gal :pensive:

Check out the wolf game I linked.

She has a very hard time giving out reads at all due to TMI and so basically spends much of her time as a W by throwing out questions without following or naked votes to look productive.

Her starting the game by making reads, even shallow ones, is very >rand V for her.

Mhm… I’ll do it later. I’ve played with her on MU a few times, but I don’t remember her meta too clearly.

Why did you think so? And why wasn’t it worth it?

Be honest: was that you being helpful or feeling like you needed to defend yourself?

Because I wanted to get in the hot seat because this way I have an easier time reading people because they are forced to respond to me doing something shady (me as town ape, PJO I guess). But then decided that it wasn’t worth it because I was planning to say that you didn’t have enough content but after actually post sorting you, it wouldn’t make sense and instead of doubling down I just decided to quit~ so during that interval I was dodging Marl.

i keep reading ruri as rue

Being helpful, if you read above “Oh c’mon”, you would see me saying that “Me being frozen and nervous” isn’t a way to read me, and then Marl said “Then how are we supposed to read you” or something along those lines, there’s no reason for me to be defensive here because I could’ve just moved on after responding to Marl back with “You’re supposed to know as we played in Duality”.

Meanwhile Kyo kept saying “Silvui” before :joy: :joy: :joy:


Honestly, can we pretend this is a mountainous? Cop checks will be obvious if there’s constant readlists better than us claiming/shielding fake checks.

FTR, I still think Alice is V.