[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Cuz i read the thread via “summarize this topic”

then how do you know appel hadn’t talked about me at all

Being serious

Ive only read the game for about an hour now lol

That being said i read through your iso and im not finding anything convincing :confused:

Cuz that was a lie :^)

i’m going back to bed

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Replacements (so I can keep track of the game):


Cop checked.

Meta on me when I’m an easy vote, given how I was inactive and such, looks good considering that I am villa (yes, I’m reading it based on myself).

I don’t remember their posts, too much reading, but it seems good IIRC. LiL also TR them?

I’m starting to think that Zone was just low-efforting, and then Wazza did their best to hold that slot up. The reference to their effort to supercede predecessor really looks like they’re going solo, or…just not having any team backing.

Chloe’s argument with Alice early on felt different from the Chloe VS Alice in a previous game we played in. I’m somewhat comfortable with giving this a TL.

They pushed Silviu about knowing cop was fake. It could be a wolf attempt at finding the cop, but I also don’t think they would be so straightforward about it. Somewhat think this is villa.

Their frustration is NAI. I do find it odd that they requested some help from Silviu after saying Silviu was possible wolf. I’m worried about reading too much into it, but it’s the most I have for now.

They’ve been pretty opportunistic, going for the zero posters early on. They didn’t provide much reads, AFAICR, on D2.

This are in order from V to W. So, I’d be willing to vote Centuries and Emilia.

On the flipside

This is the only thing mist has to say about appel


Thats kinda ??? for a slot thats been pushing their slot for questionable reasons for a full day and a half


that was it

O wat

Cool so i can probably read that slot now


Can u explain that more cuz i just straight up dont understand ur post :confused:

i was pushing appel because i thought that everyone except her and vulgard had something strong going for them and people were more receptive to a push on her than they were to a push on vul

Oh so thats what this means

If you mean my read on Vulgard’s slot, this was the thing. It’s a very likely scenario.

And there was discussion here, where Marl pulled up that reference.


I encourage you to look into this since you seem like the only one here

Appel was pushy on chloe without voting them, then ended up townreading them for something minor

If you are a villager being treated this way, shouldnt you have more to say about that slot than “they had nothing going for them”?

this is

not questionable in a vacuum?


but you’re not in a vaccuum

instead you have the information that you yourself are town

and any confirmed town getting treated like that should indicate TMI, but it seems you ignored it even though you saw it

telling me that you knew they had no intention to actually vote your slot and that you are W/W

Off-topic - help requested

people: “cheese don’t try to argue with the person you scumread, instead try and convince other people of your scumread”
also people: tries to argue with me for scumreading them


if someone can help me out postgame with this that’d be great

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no i mean

even in this case it’s not questionable

you can push on someone without wanting to vote them and you can townread people you push for whatever

im shc anyway so it doesnt matter

dafuq dis