[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Signups (FULL)

If I rand cop that might actually happen because I have the aura of a sussy baka

after making this post you most certainly do have the aura of a sussy baka


Move to /backup for now

ok I know I just said 10v3 Mountainous is scumsided but town did win the last time we played one of these, itā€™s not a guaranteed town loss or anything

stop trying to convince me to join

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in? idk if spots left shrugze

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you know it bodes well when the mod is the one posting this

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@EliThePsycho can I get an answer to this question too please

asking for a friend

Have to out

/in OMG I can play!!!

not funny


if youā€™re going to publicly alt
donā€™t do it for vanity reasons.
do it for ā€œthis is my low-effort altā€ or smth reasons

What does vanity mean

Iā€™ll keep my mainā€™s slot

Wait why am I not on the spectator list

the people who organize spec lists & spec chat are on strike today



whats dat flag?

the republic of North Macedonia previously known as Macedonia