[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

What’s this supposed to mean

No idea about the slot.

Yikes, I meant vul

How does this even happen

I’m afraid to ask what

@Chloe alright, let’s talk. What are your reads on people that are not Pigeon?

You quoting a post talking about him, then proceeding to get his name wrong three times

It is… very wowee, I guess

Ok, I’ll stay into the lonely corner then :cloud_with_rain:


…why is nobody dropping Seer cover?

Sigh, technical difficulties


Um… Appel any ideas?

Oh wait, nevermind

Psyx is my n0
Marl is a blatantly obvious villager
Cream is really villagery - and I’m sheeping them and Alice on LiLi (so town there)
Alice is pretty villagery

Centuries is pretty townie but I don’t think he’s out of his scumrange, will probably re-read tonight
I think Wazza is likely town but I’d like more from them that isn’t focused on me
I think you’re villagery but as I explained a ways up I find you easier to read as the game progresses

Silviu I’d say is GTH villa but that’s an effort read and nothing strong

Vul i’m not sure on but i’m not gunna concern myself with his slot today, and will probably check him out overnight

thats about where im at tbh

sorry @Chloe
I’ve not been able to give a response
I think I’ve been hit with food poisoning

I probably won’t do anything for the rest of the day, I need to rest.
/unvote @EliThePsycho @Arctic
I don’t want Chloe dead though.

Hello, Wazaza

Feel better image

1 Like


Voted Voters Count
Pigeon Chloe, Cream, Alice 3/7
Centuries Psyx, Silviu 2/7
Chloe Appelsiini 1/7
Silviu Centuries 1/7
Alice Pigeon 1/7
Vulgard Marl 1/7
Ruri Vulgard 1/7
Not voting Ruri, LiL, Wazza 3

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

EoD is 2021-08-29T22:00:00Z

Cream/Psyx are both people I haven’t really talked to, apart from when I pinged Cream to see if their earlier questioning went anywhere. ‘I’m conflicted on your slot but you’re more towny than not’ is a lame answer, but none of their posting has given me wolfy pings so far

I briefly skimmed Psyx’s catch-up posts when we were both online, but both of these slots have completely gone over my head and I’d like to talk to them at some point